Posted: September 30, 2013
An over-sized, unattractive nose is a problem for many of our patients in Miami. Rhinoplasty is a solution: Dr. Jon Harrell can re-shape and re-size your nose so you can be confident in its appearance and your facial profile.
If you’re like many of our patients, you might be a little concerned about the recovery process post-rhinoplasty. You want to return to work quickly and shed any bandages even quicker, but more than anything else you just want to know what to expect.
Recovery from rhinoplasty usually proceeds like this:
- You can expect to wear a nasal splint for a week or so after your rhinoplasty
- Most patients return to work after the splint is removed
- There will be some bruising, swelling and tenderness for about a week or so after the procedure
- You should refrain from strenuous physical activity for about six weeks
- Avoid situations where your nose is in danger of significant external contact for the same period of time
- It can take up to a year to see full results from your rhinoplasty, but most patients see significant improvement after three months or so.
Dr. Harrell will answer all of your rhinoplasty questions and give you detailed instructions as to post-surgical activities.
If you’re living in the Miami, Florida area and you’re considering a rhinoplasty, please contact The Weston Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery today.