Refine and Rejuvenate
Most people have heard about face lifts and neck lifts, but interestingly not as many people are familiar with the brow lift. In fact, many of our patients seeking facial rejuvenation come in with concerns about their eyelids - not realizing that the relaxation and descent of their forehead skin may be the main problem or at least a significant portion of the problem they wish to address.
Consider the brow lift as an 'upper facelift'. It is basically a procedure designed to elevate and restore the natural arch of the eyebrow. Additionally it allows Dr. Harrell to remove or weaken the muscles between the eyebrows that cause the frown or 'worry lines' that bother so many people. To find out more about this anti-aging facial treatment in the Ft. Lauderdale area, please call The Weston Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery at (954) 526-0066 today.
Why a Forehead Lift?
Because the forehead skin is elevated upwards it reduces the patients need to use the forehead muscles to elevate the eyebrows and this in turn softens the horizontal wrinkle lines of the forehead. Additionally, it allows Dr. Harrell to remove or weaken the muscles between the eyebrows that cause the frown or 'worry lines' that bother so many people. Because the forehead skin is elevated upwards, it reduces the patient's need to use the forehead muscles to elevate the eyebrows, and this softens the horizontal wrinkle lines of the forehead.
Some patients have seen 'bad' forehead lifts which give the patient an unnatural 'surprised' look. This is the hallmark of a inexperienced surgeon. Results should almost always appear natural, giving you a refreshed appearance.
The Brow Lift Procedure
The brow lift can be performed as a 'stand alone' procedure or can be combined with a face lift or with blepharoplasty as needed. Furthermore the operation can be performed through a traditional incision located behind or in front of the hairline or in many instances can be performed through an endoscopic approach. The benefits of each approach may be discussed at the time of consultation. In Dr. Harrell's opinion, the traditional approach offers the most consistent and long lasting correction of forehead skin laxity. However the anatomy of many patients makes the endoscopic browlift a better choice.
Regardless of the approach, the procedure is performed under sedation or general anesthesia and takes anywhere from one to one and a half hours to perform. There is virtually no blood loss associated with this procedure. After surgery you will spend a short time in recovery and then will be released to home care with a responsible adult caregiver. Usually there is a light bandage placed over the incisions.
Postoperative Care
Discomfort is moderate and easily controlled with medication prescribed by Dr. Harrell. After the first day no dressing is usually needed. The scalp incisions may be wetted on the second day after the procedure in most cases. If sutures are left in they may removed about a week after the procedure. We recommend light activity only for the first two weeks followed by activity as tolerated. There may be some decreased sensation over the scalp after surgery and this is typically temporary. A more complete description of the various potential risks will be discussed during the consultation.
Why Choose Dr. Harrell?
Dr. Harrell is a Board-certified plastic surgeon with over 24 years of experience in cosmetic surgery. He is well versed in both the traditional and endoscopic approaches to brow lifting. He has an artistic eye and is technically skilled. At our office we will take the time to understand your concerns, analyze your special anatomy and propose a plan to give you the best results possible.
Please review the Before and After Photo Gallery examples and feel free to contact us for further information or to set up a complimentary consultation. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you to give you the best results possible.
Please contact our Ft. Lauderdale office online or call (954) 526-0066 to learn if you are a good candidate for the brow lift procedure. We are ready to help you look your best.