This is a 25 year old female from Marco Island Florida who sought out Dr. Harrell for body contouring. Inparticular she was interested in increasing the volume of the buttock area -known as "Brazilian Butt Lift." In this procedure liposuction is performed to remove fat from areas of unwanted fat and to process and inject it back intothe buttocks using a special technique to improve the volume and shape ofthe buttocks. Most patients, such as this one, are very pleased with theresults and notice a dramatic improvement in their shape. This patient hadover 3 liters of fat removed from unwanted areas and had approximately 300cc's of fat injected into each buttock. Dr. Harrell is a board certified plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic plastic surgery. He is an expert inliposuction and fat transfer, performing these procedures on patients fromall over Florida and the U.S. as well as Europe and South America.